What is TrIZ methodology
This webinar “Structured Innovation – Innovate fast in India” gives you a clear understanding on how the TRIZ methodology works. How one can solve real problems with multiple competing solutions with a case study. Further in this webinar, you would also see how this methodology can be applied in agriculture. This webinar was presented by Sri. Kishan to CCSNIAM. An initiative led by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.
TRIZ is the Russian acronym for the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving,” an international system of creativity developed in the U.S.S.R. between 1946 and 1985, by engineer and scientist Genrich S. Altshuller and his colleagues.
According to TRIZ, universal principles of creativity form the basis of innovation
Genrikh Altshuller was born on October 15, 1926 in Tashkent. His parents were born in Baku. His father was a member of the editorial staff of the “Zarya Vostoka” newspaper.
When Genrikh turned 5 years old, his parents moved back to Baku. Genrikh Altshuller resided in this city till 1990, when he moved to Petrozavodsk, where he lived and worked till his death. Very early in his life he has discovered that libraries exist and started reading a lot – mostly science fiction novels. Luckily his teachers at school were very good. He dreamed to become a sailor in the future.
After graduating from the 8th grade Genrikh entered a Special Naval School. After the beginning of the II World War all students were sent to the front line. Genrikh was one year younger than other students – that’s why he was left in Baku and continued studying at secondary school. He has received his first Author’s Certificate for a water-diving apparatus operating on hydrogen peroxide when he was still a student of the 10th grade. When he graduated the school, he was enlisted with a rifle regiment, from which he was sent to a flying school. When he graduated the flying school the World War II ended. Genrikh Altshuller asked to send him to naval flotilla in Baku. That’s how he started working at the Patent Department of Baku Flotilla. He continued making various inventions and teaching other people to invent. Teaching other people to invent led to the necessity to study or work out inventive method or technique. In contrast to psychologists, who studied human beings engaged in inventive activity, Genrikh Altshuller started studying inventions proper – i.e. engineering systems created by humans. He started with searching for distinctive features – i.e. specific features that distinguish “strong” inventions from the weak ones. He has chosen a contradiction as a cornerstone of his method. He has analyzed the entire collection of Author’s Certificates and patents and identified standard approaches for engineering contradiction resolving. In 1948 he has obtained first results of his work.
Source: MATRIZ. For more about Genrikh Altshuller, https://matriz.org/about-matriz/about-founder/

Learn to develop Incremental, Radical and Disruptive solutions for PRODUCTS (Physical / Digital) by overcoming Psychological Inertia.
Tools: 3 ways of unique problem modeling, System level contradictions, Parameter level contradictions, 40 inventive principles and concept development - for products

Learn to develop Disruptive solutions at SYSTEM level by overcoming Psychological Inertia.
Tools: 5th way of unique problem modeling (ARIZ), Trends of Engineering System Evolution, MPV's, Anticipated Failure Detection, S curve Analsysis, Flow Analysis, etc.,

Learn to develop Sustainable, Radical and Disruptive solutions for PROCESSES (Manufacturing) by overcoming Psychological Inertia.
Tools: 4th unique way of problem modeling (76 Standard Inventive Solutions), develop hybrids with huge novelty and concept development for Technological Processes
Our Approach to groom inventors and innovation experts in India
India needs thousands of Innovation Experts who are capable to drive the capability to question status-quo and facilitate to develop win-win novel solutions across the various strata of the country: Corporations, Government Labs, Start-ups, MSME and Academia.
Proinn® in collaboration with TRIZTI® and DFP-Institute developed this framework of grooming IP and Innovation Leaders in India with world class certifications from MATRIZ, DFP-Institute and Proinn®
To know more about visit

The International TRIZ Association : Matriz
MATRIZ Councils now include 16 TRIZ Masters and 4 L4 MATRIZ Specialists. Kind Regards, Dr. Sergey Yatsunenko, MATRIZ President.
Soon more news at matriz.org